May 01, 2007

Listening: What's the first thing you do in the morning?

What's the first thing you do in the morning? Do you use an alarm clock to wake you up? Do you usually have breakfast? Listen to six people from different countries talking about their morning habits. Click on the photos to listen to each speaker. After each recording, there are two questions. If you answer correctly, you move to the next part. If the answer isn't correct, you can listen to the recording again. You can also click on 'transcripts' later to read each text while you listen to the recording.

If you would like to try a vocabulary activity, click
here .


Anonymous said...

The first thing I do in the morning is put the alarm clock on snooze, sleep some more and try to forget I have to go out of bed to work... Everybody should work after 10:00AM...
Cheers, Vanessa.

Mônica said...

LOL! In fact, Vanessa, I'm kind of a 'morning person' so I don't mind getting up early (I usually start teaching at 7a.m.!). I guess the first thing I do in the morning is open my bedroom window to let the cool autumn air in!